Soga Certificate Tax Accountant Office
Soga Certificate Tax Accountant Office



What is the difference from other tax accountant firms?

There is only one staff member directly in charge of the customer. However, since staff have different work backgrounds and areas of expertise, management issues that are unlikely to be solved by one person will be solved as a team. This is because sharing experience has the advantage of leading to skill improvement among staff. In addition, sharing customer information also leads to a backup system.


What industries do you specialize in?

We don't particularly narrow down the industry. However, it can be said that many foreign nationals are in the wholesale (export), consulting, and information systems industries.


Do you offer individually customized services?

There are cases where the work that the customer originally does himself, such as managing the payment of accounts receivable and estimating the salary increase limit, is performed on behalf of the customer. In particular, in a company that works with a small number of people, there are various requests, and we organize them one by one.


Is there anyone who can speak English?

Unfortunately, there are no staff members for returnees. Therefore, even if you request advanced conversational skills, we will not be able to respond to your needs. If you answer by email, multiple staff members can respond.


Can you help me open a bank account?

When establishing a company, there are some cases where it is difficult to open a corporate account. If it is in the area where there is a branch of a financial institution that we have a relationship with, we will support you in opening an account. In some cases, if you are in the export business and need to open a foreign exchange account at a megabank, you have prepared a business plan and asked a branch of a megabank directly to open one.


Can we leave the incorporation to you? If so, how long does it take to establish the company?

Incorporation is the exclusive business of a judicial scrivener. We help you establish a corporation through a judicial scrivener who is affiliated with us. It takes about one month from the time the trade name is decided until the certificate of all history items is issued.


Can you also manage my personal taxes?

We also accept personal tax return services for foreign nationals.